Monday, March 24, 2008

What has the world come to?

I never thought I would see the day (nor did you)...but after many months of subtle innuendos and much harassing from friends and family alike...I have succumbed to peer pressure and have created a blog so that everyone can now see and keep up with our world. I'm flattered that anyone reading this is interested in how we spend our days...digging in the dirt, taking wagon rides around the neighborhood, playing with bubbles and such. I hope you all enjoy seeing little Mac grow up and that you are all FINALLY satisfied. I am personally pleased with the blog address...kudos to Ella Marie Harr Payne for her creative insight!  A word of caution however...I have NO idea what I am doing because of my technological deficiencies. I still have not figured out how to post a picture. (I can already feel my shoulders and my back tightening up as I have spent time trying to understand this thing called a blog...I know...I'm living in the stone age!) 


Ella and Virgil Payne said...

I, of course, had to be the first one to check out your blog! I am so proud of you!!! YIPPEE!!!! You are well on your way! Much Love!

The Westmorelands said...

I LOVE IT!!! way to go, bonnie! i know this is a really big step for you to venture into such an advanced technological endeavor. but, you did win the technology award at mckee road, after all! little mac is sooo precious, and such a big boy! love the azalea pics. keep 'em coming!!

rachel said...

yay!! Now Lizzy can get her MacGregor fix when you all move.

Wynne Family said...

Yeah Bon Bon!!! I've been hoping this day would come! Can't wait to watch Mac grow more frequently. Apparently it's been a while since I've seen a picture because he's huge -- and so, so precious!! Tons of love to the Greenes!

Hannah said...

welcome to this whole new world! I am now addicted, so thank you for my fix! And Mac couldn't be cuter or bigger! Can't wait to read more!

Bonnie Thurmond said...

Wow!!!! I am impressed! The pictures are great!! I fondly remember the many azelea pictures taken at my house of you (Bonnie), Shelley, and Tracy all dressed up in your new spring outfits. I look forward to the next blog & also seeing you all. Love, Mema

The Powell Family said...

Hey Bon~

Your little one is so cute! I have ben keeping up with Tracy, and now I am excited to keep up with the Greenes. I hope you guys are doing well, come see us sometime. Will you be at Michelle's wedding? We have two blogs, but I mostly update had our third last week, and you can see him there! Miss you!